The Call of the Kiwi
The best known is the Kiwi – an endangered, flightless, nocturnal bird which is also the country’s unofficial national symbol. The country’s spectacular landscape incorporates vast mountain chains, sandy beaches, lush rainforests, grassy plains, glaciers, fiords and active volcanoes.
International standards, competitive cost and a cosmopolitan culture make New Zealand an ideal study destination for International Students.
Quality education at comparable prices is the rationale behind New Zealand’s popularity. New Zealand degrees are patterned on the lines of the British Education system. To top it all, state-of-the- art facilities, a safe environment and a fine student’s support system add to the country’s multiracial, multicultural warmth.
Earn while you learn:
While in most countries overseas students are barred from employment, in New Zealand they can work part – time for 15 hours a week provided they enrol for full-time courses that are of 12-month duration.
New Zealand has been described as ‘two emerald islands in the sea’, or more recently, the land of The Lord of the Rings. Having a small population of only four million people, New Zealand’s biggest cities include Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington (North Island), Christchurch, and Dunedin (South Island).
New Zealand has a diverse, multi cultural population of about 3.8 million people. The majority of New Zealanders are of British descent and the native Maori population makes up around 14 percent of the population. New Zealand also has a large growing population of Pacific Islanders and Asians.
The people of New Zealand are friendly, and Hilal food and masala’s are available everywhere. Famous for its natural geysers and spa’s, New Zealand offers a huge range of things to see and do. All the major towns have cinemas, nightclubs, restaurants, art galleries and museums.
Professional theaters companies operate throughout the country and pop concerts feature regularly, often with overseas artists. The wide-open spaces and beautiful national parks, combined with relatively mild winters, mean that New Zealanders seem to just about live outdoors. A variety of sports, such as swimming, rugby, cricket, cycling, walking, hockey, soccer, netball, horse riding, tennis, touch football, golf, basketball, badminton, bowls (lawn and indoor), yachting, volleyball, squash, cycling, mountain biking, trail biking, motor racing, skiing, shooting, rowing, and fishing are all a part of life in New-Zealand.
New Zealand is becoming first choice for an increasing number of international students seeking quality education. New Zealand universities offer students a unique learning environment. Known as the ‘New World Class’, students educated in the New Zealand education environment are earning a reputation as a new breed of innovative thinkers and are enjoying career success the world over. Established universities such as the Waikato to University, Massey University, University of Auckland, Victoria, University of Wellington, Lincoln University, University of Otego, and the Auckland University of Technology have become popular destinations for students across the globe.
New Zealand is an economically wise and safe option for students looking for a high standard of education, and an over-all high standard of life.
More about New Zealand

Capital | Wellington |
Languages | English & Maor |
Official Currency | New Zealand Dollar (NZD) |
Climate | sub-tropical and temperate climates respectively for the North and South Island. |