We bring to you the best institutions / schools / colleges / universities through which you can build your career effectively and internationally. We are basically, education abroad and career counselors. We have been doing this since 2003.
We do not show you stars. We just bring to you the facts and figures of the institutions / schools / colleges / universities by analyzing the past success of the same and put in front of you which will help you choose based on its past performance.
We help you prepare your application professionally and give you the logistic support by being in your neighborhood, as a friend.
NO! Our counseling to prospective students like you are absolutely free.
We take into consideration, your interest, your skill sets, and your strong points and guide you accordingly.
We give you details as the CEO of the company himself has visited these countries to know the living and cost.
Yes , we do. We will reject the application if we find the supporting documents scrupulous. We expect you to be sincere; it is the matter of your career.